The Power of a Woman’s voice

Johannesburg Opera is looking forward to entertaining you all once again.


As August is the month we celebrate the mother's, sisters, gogos and other wonderful women in our lives, Johannesburg Opera and Choral Mag felt it necessary to partake in the celebrations!

Join us via Zoom for our second online concert, The Power of a Woman's Voice.

Date: Sunday, 30 August 2020
Time: 14:30 for 15:00
Price: R100 per person

As before, Johannesburg Opera will conform and stay up to date with the National Government COVID-19 Regulations.

Please stay safe and we look forward to seeing you all once more!


  1. Sula on 30 August, 2020 at 10:23

    All the best ladies

  2. Rene Kilner on 30 August, 2020 at 13:49

    Very special. Plse keep me up fo date of all your online concerts.

  3. Tee on 30 August, 2020 at 14:14

    Congratulations Phenye and all the magnificent female artists!
    The concert was beautiful, lovely selection of music, well played, and beautifully sung!
    Thank you for sharing all your gifts and making the world more beautiful!
    Thank you Phenye, and the whole team, for making it happen!

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